Will You Be A FISCALLY Responsible Leader?

Will You Be A FISCALLY Responsible Leader?

Even if someone, has the finest of intentions, great ideas and strategies, and a focus on relevance and sustainability, he will be challenged, to become, the best leader, possible, until/ unless, he pays attention to the bottom - line, and has the commitment and discipline, to be, a truly, FISCALLY responsible leader! How often have we observed, an individual, promote worthwhile ideas, only to see, them fail to go, on, to fruition, and, thus, make the necessary differences, sought and needed? Many well - intentioned individuals, seem, to seek an easier course of action, or path - of - least - resistance, and appear, to avoid paying the level of attention, they should, to creating, developing and implementing, the finest possible, relevant, meaningful, and sustainable budget, which is open - minded, and realistic! With that in mind, this article will attempt to briefly consider, review, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, why this matters.

1. Face facts; finances; fruition: Being realistic, and facing facts, does not preclude, proceeding, in an open - minded, options and alternatives - focused manner! In order to achieve one's objectives, and bring them to fruition, and essential component, must be, to pay keen attention to the finances, and financial realities/ necessities!

2. Ideas; imagination; integrity; ideology: When one's budget, is used, to plan effectively, and in a relevant way, he creates a way, to transform quality ideas, and a well - developed, imagination, which align with the ideology of one's organization, he becomes a fiscally responsible leader! However, it is essential, the individual, maintains absolute integrity, even when the truth, may be inconvenient!

3. System; sustainable solutions: When one ignore financial ramifications, and/ or reality, he will be challenged, to implement a system, which addresses needs and priorities, in a responsible way! The challenge, goal, and obligation of a true leader, must be to avoid those simplistic pitfalls, and emphasize the implementation of sustainable solutions!

4. Character; clarity; create: It takes an individual, with quality - of - character, to proceed, with the utmost focus and clarity, and consistently create, a meaningful strategy, to align fiscal realities, with relevant, sustainable solutions!

5. Aptitude; attention; attitude: In order to make this difference, one must pay keen attention, to the goals and priorities, of the organization! This requires a combination of a positive, can - do, attitude, with a relevant, well - developed skill - set, and aptitude!

6. Listen; learn: In order to develop one's agenda, a leader must listen effectively, and learn from every conversation and experience, and plan accordingly!

7. Leadership: How can anyone demonstrate the necessary level of relevant, sustainable leadership, if he does not, consider, how the group might afford, to sustain itself?

8. You: Fiscal responsibility must focus on taking personal responsibility, rather than blaming and complaining! It's always, up to you!

Will you commit to being a FISCALLY responsible and responsive leader? How will you balance financial/ fiscal reality, with thinking outside - the - box?

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands of leaders, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website http://plan2lead.net and Plan2lead can also be followed on Facebook http://facebook.com/Plan2lead

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9953116