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Why Public Officials Must Consider Relevance And Sustainability: 5 Reasons

In many ways, our American system of elections, differs, from most other places, in the world. This is not merely, about democracy, etc, but, the extended length of the campaign season, prior to the actual elections. Because of that, we often witness, more, empty promises, rhetoric, and focus on blaming and complaining, than providing, relevant, meaningful, effective, sustainable solutions, and the necessary leadership, which would be truly beneficial! This has probably existed for generations, but, it seems, more dominant and obvious, today, than in recent memory. With that in mind, this article will attempt to review, consider, and briefly examine and discuss, 5 possible reasons, this is such an important concept and necessity.

1. Environment: As President Macron, recently, eloquently articulated, related to paying attention to protecting the world's environment, There is no Planet B! Although, President Donald Trump, articulates a message of climate - change - denial, nearly every scientist, proclaims, it is a truly relevant, and urgent consideration. Since his election, Mr. Trump, has had his Cabinet Secretary, who runs the Environmental Protection Administration, or EPA, Scott Pruitt, follow a policy of deregulation, significantly relaxing many of the protections, for air and water quality, as well as withdrawing the United States, from the Paris Accords (which makes the United States, the only major nation, to do so). What will this do, to the quality of life, and health, of our future generations?

2. International Relations: Words and rhetoric have ramifications, especially when articulated by public officials, in significant positions of power! Taking the United States, out of previous deals and agreements, and consistently articulating, confusing, mixed - messages, creates potential, significant risks, to our relationships, not only with perceived enemies, but long - term allies!

3. Economic/ Fiscal: Populist legislation, focused on politics, and a significant degree of deception, etc, is often economically, and fiscally, irresponsible. Most economists have stated, the tax reform, passed at the end of last year, not only does not provide the level of benefits to most of the nation, and especially, the middle - class, but will create significant deficits, which future generations will have to repay! How is this sustainable, and/ or realistic and beneficial?

4. Freedoms/ Liberties: What has always, differentiated, America, from most of the rest of the world, is our leadership, and commitment, to freedoms and liberties, for all! President Trump's leadership, as a result of both his rhetoric and vitriol, as well as directives and proposals, has threatened, our very core!

5. Integrity: Political fact - checkers, have stated, this President has either lied, or made major mis - statements, over 6 times, per day, since the beginning of his administration. He has even, changed his story, in a material way, on the same day, such as when he even told two different stories, about the letter he received from the President of North Korea, where he first, referred to it, as a very nice letter, and then, only eight minutes later, stating he hadn't yet opened it! If citizens do not trust the integrity of their President, what might this do, to bringing us together, for the common good?

Our elected officials must consider relevance and sustainability, or citizens and the nation, suffer! Wake up, America, and pay more attention, and let those, you elect, you demand better!

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands, conducted personal development seminars, and worked on political campaigns, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. Website: and LIKE the Facebook page for common sense politics:

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