Why and How Having Major Surgery Changed My Life for the Better
Here's my story of why and how major surgery changed my life for the better. Recently I had two obstructed bowel surgeries in a month only eleven days apart. My luck the obstruction grew back, so know the second operation involved removing 6 inches of my bowel, going through all the pain again. The treatment at the hospital with the nurses and doctors was outstanding, let's face it they saved my life at least twice. This second time around my bowels didn't wake-up for 13 days. I hadn't eaten in almost a month, lost 40 pounds starving to death literally. Finally, they put a pic line in me started giving nutritional liquids. Then after 32 days in the hospital they released me, and I could go home to recover fully, and start building backup eating again slowly. However, two days I was back in the hospital again...
The craziest thing happened I felt stabbing pains in my right side when breathing, lifting my arms, or walking wasn't fun either. They figured-out it was gallbladder that needed to be removed. The problem was a third surgery in a little over a month was too risky. Instead they inserted a drain pipe into my gallbladder hopefully delaying the operation. The idea was to remove the sludge and rest the gallbladder. It worked with one snag instead of 4 weeks it was only in 3 weeks. The drain tube dislodged from my gallbladder so there was pain and burning. They also noticed my pancreas was 10 times the normal number it should be. The cause they believed was the pipe running freely irritating it. The nice part is there are no blockages in the ducts, we are hoping the gallbladder lasts for at least a year before needing the operation to removal.
Now you know what happened, here is why and how major surgery has changed my life for the better...
I'm now making healthier decisions such as stopping cigarettes. If this never happened, I believe my smoking would have gone on until something serious health wise occurred. It is going to take a few more months to eat totally regularly again, but moving forward consuming healthier food is prudent. My life has taken a turn for the better because of not sweating the small stuff, plus appreciating my family and friends even more. I've shared this story because it shouldn't have taken this event to change my life for the better, and stop taking things for granted. I am hoping to inspire those who have or have not experienced major surgery! Now I truly believe the best is yet to come!
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9925672